martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014



 Introduction:The porpuse of this experiment is to determine the density of water, oil and alcohol.

3 glasses
Test tube

  1. At first to weight the liquids
  2. Then to weight
  3. Next to measure 100ml of water in the glass and to determine the mass to subtract the value of glass (the repeat the step with the oil and alcohol.
  4. Finally to calculate the density of water, oil and alcohol

Substances   Mass    Volume   Density
Water          18.3 g     20ml       0.91 g/ml
Oil               12.2 g     20ml       0.61 g/ml
Alcohol      19.9 g      20ml       0.64 g/ml

We found that our hypothesis was correct as we predicted because the water is more dense.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

project 2 emotionary

Project 2 "emotionary"

Romeo and Juliet

Author: William Shakespeare
genre: Romance
characters: Romeo, Juliet, Fray Lorenzo,
Bemolio, Mercutio, Ama, Capuleto, Montesco
Emotions during the history: Anxious, sad, nervous,happy and desperate
Emotions to the end of the history: lovestruck, happy, angry, compassion, dejection

project "complaint letter"

Complaint letter                         Today is Monday 20th october 2014

Mexico, D.F
Sr. Steve Jobs
Director de compañia apple

Sr. steve jobs:
I writing this complaint because, yesterdey sunday 19th october 2014 I buy the Iphone VI in the shop New York, my iphone 6 bending very easy, because the materials are aluminum and the touchscreen is Safiro.

I would not want to return my money or change my iphone.  
The most respectful manner i ask you change my iphone 6 or return my money.
But I enters into legal matters.
your sincerely: Kevin Muñiz  

martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Human Rights

Every person is entitled to certain fundamental rights, simply by the fact of being human. Thes are called "Human Rights"
They are abo meant to help us get along with each other and live in peace.
When human rights are not well known by people abuses such as discrimination.
The United Nations Universal Declaration og human Rights was signed in 1948. This document is the bases for a world built on freedom, justice and peace.
  1.  Liberty
  2. Freedom of expression
  3. Equality
  4. Peace
  5. Justice